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Environment variable Description
AUTO_ADD_TO_CART Enable auto add to cart on support stores, default: true
BROWSER_TRUSTED Skip Chromium Sandbox. Useful for containerized environments, default: false
HEADLESS Puppeteer to run headless or not. Debugging related, default: true
INCOGNITO Puppeteer to run incognito or not. Debugging related, default: false
IN_STOCK_WAIT_TIME Time to wait between requests to the same link if it has that card in stock. In seconds, default: 0
LOG_LEVEL Logging levels. Debugging related, default: info
LOW_BANDWIDTH Blocks images/fonts to reduce traffic. Disables ad blocker, default: false
NVIDIA_ADD_TO_CART_ATTEMPTS Maximum number of attempts add an item to card in the Nvidia storefront, default: 10
NVIDIA_SESSION_TTL Maximum session length on the Nvidia storefront in ms, default: 60000
OPEN_BROWSER Toggle for whether or not the browser should open when item is found, default: true
PAGE_BACKOFF_MIN Minimum backoff time between retrying requests for the same store when a forbidden response is received, default: 10000
PAGE_BACKOFF_MAX Maximum backoff time between retrying requests for the same store when a forbidden response is received, default: 3600000
PAGE_SLEEP_MIN Minimum sleep time between queries of the same product page. In milliseconds, default: 5000
PAGE_SLEEP_MAX Maximum sleep time between queries of the same product page. In milliseconds, default: 10000
PAGE_TIMEOUT Navigation Timeout in milliseconds. 0 for infinite, default: 30000
PROXY_PROTOCOL Protocol of proxy server, such as socks5, default: http
PROXY_ADDRESS IP Address or fqdn of proxy server
PROXY_PORT TCP Port number on which the proxy is listening for connections, default: 80
RESTART_TIME Restarts chrome after defined milliseconds. 0 for never, default: 0
SCREENSHOT Capture screenshot of page if a card is found, default: true
SCREENSHOT_DIR The directory for saving the screenshots, default: screenshots
USER_AGENT Custom user agent used for requests
WEB_PORT Starts a webserver to be able to control the bot while it is running. Setting this value starts this service.

There is more information on proxy settings in the Proxy documentation.

  • You can also have a list of proxies that are rotated while searching stores. Proxies can be read from a file named STORENAME.proxies in the format of socks5://username:password@ip; one per line.
  • Data usage is known to be high. This is expected as the program scrapes many websites in parallel 24/7. To help reduce this, use LOW_BANDWIDTH="true". We are looking into other solutions as well, but is low priority.